Quick Start


In your OctoberCMS backend, go to Updates > Install plugins and search for martin.forms

Alternative #1: install from October Marketplace

Alternative #2: from console, run: php artisan plugin:install Martin.Forms

Basic Usage

  1. On October Backend, goto CMS page.
  2. Click on the Components button on the left sidebar.
  3. Drag selected component to your page.
  4. Configure component parameters (like form validation, notification settings, etc)
  5. To create your custom form, you need to override the component HTML | (more info)
    • if your component alias is genericForm, create a new partial and set as filename genericForm/default.htm
    • write your own HTML form
    • if you need an example, you can take a look the file components/genericform/default.htm
  6. Your form is ready to use!


Warning: you need to enable AJAX framework by using following tags on your template:

{% framework %}
{% framework extras %}

More info: https://octobercms.com/docs/ajax/introduction#framework-script