Using Form Data

It's possible to use form data on your emails subject and templates.

Email Templates

  1. Goto Settings
  2. Click on "Mail templates"
  3. Select the Magic Form template you wanna change
  4. On your email content you can use the following variables:
{{ }}       # where "xxx" is the name of an existing form field
{{ data.full_name }} # the value of the field with attribute name="full_name"
Form Variables

Emails subject

  1. Goto your page or partial
  2. Click on Magic Form component
  3. Expand "Notifications Settings" or "Auto-Response Settings"
  4. On "Subject", you can use the following variables:
{{ }}      # the record id stored on the database
{{ record.ip }}      # the ip address of the sender
{{ }}    # date when form was submitted

{{ }}       # where "xxx" is the name of an existing form field
{{ form.full_name }} # the value of the field with attribute name="full_name"


  • New mail with ID: {{ }}
  • Form submitted from IP: {{ record.ip }}
  • Contact from: {{ }} {{ form.last }}

Form Variables